PyScopus: Quick Start

PyScopus is a Python wrapper of Elsevier Scopus API. More details of this Python package can be found here.

Import Scopus class and initialize with your own API Key

In [1]:
from pyscopus import Scopus
In [2]:
key = 'xxxxxxxxxx'
In [3]:
scopus = Scopus(key)

In [4]:
search_df ="KEY(interdisciplinary collaboration)", count=20)
In [5]:
affiliation aggregation_type citation_count cover_date doi eissn isbn issn page_range publication_name scopus_id subtype_description title volume
0 None None 0 None 10.1007/978-3-319-60937-9_27 None 9783319609362 21945357 None None 85025807393 None A virtual learning system in environmental mon... 627
1 None None 0 None 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000218 None None 07339453 None None 85018978233 None Road-structure monitoring with modern geodetic... 143
2 None None 0 None 10.1386/chor.6.2.279_1 None None None None None 85027052146 None Becoming plural: The distribution of the self ... 6
3 None None 0 None 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2017.01.007 None None 0969806X None None 85011309669 None X-ray fluorescence – a non-destructive tool in... 137
4 None None 0 None 10.1111/hex.12511 None None 13696513 None None 84995554132 None Successful participation of patients in interp... 20
5 None None 0 None 10.1093/biosci/bix053 None None 00063568 None None 85028382527 None Synthesis centers as critical research infrast... 67
6 None None 0 None 10.1111/cfs.12343 None None 13567500 None None 85006089887 None Stepping through the door – exploring low-thre... 22
7 None None 0 None 10.1109/EXPAT.2017.7984348 None 9781538608104 None None None 85027844076 None Collaborative BIM environment as a support to ... None
8 None None 0 None 10.1080/07380577.2017.1342888 None None 07380577 None None 85025139260 None An Occupational Therapy and Teaching Partnersh... None
9 None None 0 None 10.1080/09613218.2016.1194601 None None 09613218 None None 84978505336 None Multidisciplinary research: should effort be t... 45
10 None None 0 None 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000654 None None 08949115 None None 85024386108 None Forging Alliances in Interdisciplinary Rehabil... 96
11 None None 0 None 10.1007/s11192-017-2383-1 None None 01389130 None None 85019017273 None Discovering the interdisciplinary nature of Bi... 112
12 None None 0 None 10.1055/s-0043-102939 None None 14389029 None None 85016015328 None Semi-automated De-identification of German Con... 189
13 None None 0 None 10.1093/sw/swx023 None None 00378046 None None 85021783522 None Policing Intimate Partner Violence: Attitudes ... 62
14 None None 1 None 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.05.008 None None 00221694 None None 85019625462 None Linking scientific disciplines: Hydrology and ... 550
15 None None 0 None 10.1111/aspp.12337 None None 19430779 None None 85021938702 None Anthropology Teaming Up With Agrometeorology: ... 9
16 None None 0 None 10.1055/s-0043-108993 None None 14389029 None None 85019544672 None Diagnostic Value of Diffusion-Weighted MRI for... 189
17 None None 0 None 10.1109/SECM.2017.8 None 9781538627952 None None None 85026750932 None Interdisciplinary software projects as an acti... None
18 None None 0 None 10.1109/CHASE.2017.3 None 9781538640395 None None None 85025838957 None Cross-disciplinary perspectives on collaborati... None
19 None None 0 None 10.1109/SIU.2017.7960696 None 9781509064946 None None None 85026293601 None Understanding a city from its visuals: An inte... None

Search for a specific author

In [6]:
author_result_df = scopus.search_author("AUTHLASTNAME(Zhao) and AUTHFIRST(Kang) and AFFIL(Iowa)")
In [7]:
affiliation affiliation_id author_id document_count name
0 University of Iowa 60024324 36635367700 34 Kang Zhao
1 University of Iowa 60024324 57077574400 1 Kang Zhao
2 University of Iowa 60024324 57192277492 1 Kang Zhao
3 University of Iowa 60024324 57192307067 1 Kang Zhao
4 Iowa State University 60004354 60001439 56995506800 1 Kang Zhao

Then we can retrieve more detailed info about the author we are looking for using his/her author_id:

In [11]:
kang_info_dict = scopus.retrieve_author('36635367700')
In [13]:

Search for his publications explicitly

In [20]:
kang_pub_df = scopus.search_author_publication('36635367700')
In [21]:
affiliation aggregation_type citation_count cover_date doi eissn isbn issn page_range publication_name scopus_id subtype_description title volume
0 None None 0 None 10.1371/journal.pone.0183655 None None None None None 85028414910 None A prospective examination of online social net... 12
1 None None 0 None 10.2196/jmir.6834 None None None None None 85018754892 None Analyzing and predicting user participations i... 19
2 None None 1 None 10.2196/jmir.5985 None None None None None 84989904178 None A multirelational social network analysis of a... 18
3 None None 0 None 10.1007/978-3-319-47874-6_34 None 9783319478739 03029743 None None 84995379893 None Investigating regional prejudice in China thro... 10047 LNCS
4 None None 0 None 10.1109/ICHI.2015.12 None 9781467395489 None None None 84966453564 None The evolution and diffusion of user roles in o... None
5 None None 2 None 10.1007/s10257-014-0260-5 None None 16179846 None None 84948992373 None Leader identification in an online health comm... 13
6 None None 1 None 10.1109/MIS.2015.111 None None 15411672 None None 84960845090 None System Informatics: From Methodology to Applic... 30
7 None None 0 None None None None None None None 85011032472 None The evolution of user roles in online health c... None
8 None None 0 None None None None None None None 85006974860 None The diffusion of user roles via social network... None
9 None None 2 None 10.1007/978-3-319-16268-3_41 None 9783319162676 03029743 None None 84925337405 None Early prediction of movie success-what, who, a... 9021
10 None None 0 None None None None None None None 85006998469 None The structure and dynamics of a multi-relation... None
11 None None 1 None None None None None None None 84928618086 None Social support and user engagement in online h... None
12 None None 13 None 10.1007/978-3-319-08416-9_10 None 9783319084152 03029743 None None 84905259236 None Social support and user engagement in online h... 8549 LNCS
13 None None 9 None 10.1109/MIS.2013.104 None None 15411672 None None 84903157217 None User recommendations in reciprocal and biparti... 29
14 None None 25 None 10.1136/amiajnl-2013-002282 None None None None None 84905286162 None Finding influential users of online health com... 21
15 None None 0 None None None 9781629934266 None None None 84897819669 None Making sense of a healthcare forum - Smart key... 3
16 None None 19 None 10.1093/jncimonographs/lgt025 None None 10526773 None None 84892456267 None Understanding topics and sentiment in an onlin... None
17 None None 3 None 10.1007/s11280-012-0167-3 None None 1386145X None None 84885942201 None Who blogs what: Understanding the publishing b... 16
18 None None 2 None 10.1007/978-3-642-37210-0_25 None 9783642372094 03029743 None None 84874792067 None Recommendation in reciprocal and bipartite soc... 7812 LNCS
19 None None 9 None 10.1177/0037549711421942 None None 00375497 None None 84860146956 None Simulating inter-organizational collaboration ... 88
20 None None 31 None 10.1109/PASSAT/SocialCom.2011.127 None 9780769545783 None None None 84856163855 None Get online support, feel better-sentiment anal... None
21 None None 14 None 10.1109/TEM.2010.2095503 None None 00189391 None None 79955569845 None Achieving high robustness in supply distributi... 58
22 None None 56 None 10.1109/JSYST.2010.2100192 None None 19328184 None None 78651392372 None Analyzing the Resilience of Complex Supply Net... None
23 None None 7 None None None None None None None 84885924111 None Identifying leaders in an online cancer surviv... None
24 None None 6 None 10.1007/978-3-642-12079-4_33 None 3642120784 03029743 None None 78649252163 None Assortativity patterns in multi-dimensional in... 6007 LNCS
25 None None 0 None 10.2196/jmir.6834 None None None None None 85018754892 None Analyzing and predicting user participations i... 19
26 None None 1 None 10.2196/jmir.5985 None None None None None 84989904178 None A multirelational social network analysis of a... 18
27 None None 0 None 10.1007/978-3-319-47874-6_34 None 9783319478739 03029743 None None 84995379893 None Investigating regional prejudice in China thro... 10047 LNCS
28 None None 0 None 10.1109/ICHI.2015.12 None 9781467395489 None None None 84966453564 None The evolution and diffusion of user roles in o... None
29 None None 2 None 10.1007/s10257-014-0260-5 None None 16179846 None None 84948992373 None Leader identification in an online health comm... 13
30 None None 1 None 10.1109/MIS.2015.111 None None 15411672 None None 84960845090 None System Informatics: From Methodology to Applic... 30
31 None None 0 None None None None None None None 85011032472 None The evolution of user roles in online health c... None
32 None None 0 None None None None None None None 85006974860 None The diffusion of user roles via social network... None
33 None None 2 None 10.1007/978-3-319-16268-3_41 None 9783319162676 03029743 None None 84925337405 None Early prediction of movie success-what, who, a... 9021

Abstract retrieval

In [22]:
pub_info = scopus.retrieve_abstract('84905286162')
In [24]:
In [25]:
u"Online health communities (OHCs) have become a major source of support for people with health problems. This research tries to improve our understanding of social influence and to identify influential users in OHCs. The outcome can facilitate OHC management, improve community sustainability, and eventually benefit OHC users. Through text mining and sentiment analysis of users' online interactions, the research revealed sentiment dynamics in threaded discussions. A novel metric--the number of influential responding replies--was proposed to directly measure a user's ability to affect the sentiment of others. Using the dataset from a popular OHC, the research demonstrated that the proposed metric is highly effective in identifying influential users. In addition, combining the metric with other traditional measures further improves the identification of influential users. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to"

Searching for articles in specific journals (venues) is not supported anymore since this can be easily done by general search

Citation count retrieval

Note that the use of citation overview API needs to be approved by Elsevier.

In [7]:
pub_citations_df = scopus.retrieve_citation(scopus_id_array=['84905286162', '0141607824'],
                                            year_range=[2010, 2014])
In [8]:
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 id later-citation previous-citation total-citation
0 0 0 0 0 3 84905286162 22 0 25
1 593 801 1048 1320 1440 0141607824 4624 899 10725